Delivering Safe, Comfortable, and Connected Pedestrian and Bicycle Networks: A Review of International Practices

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Global Benchmarking Program Report – Delivering Safe, Comfortable, and Connected Pedestrian and Bicycle Networks: A Review of International Practices:
This report identifies noteworthy and innovative international designs, treatments, and other practices that have potential to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety and access and increase walking and bicycling in the United States.
The report is posted on FHWA’s website here (Also Attached)and it covers treatments and practices from a total of 11 countries, covering six thematic areas:
(1) network infrastructure,
(2) limited auto traffic areas,
(3) signalization, traffic control, and intelligent transport systems,
(4) policy change,
(5) criteria or methods for prioritizing improvements, and
(6) goals and network performance measures.
The report was funded by the FHWA Office of International Programs and other FHWA Offices