Gulf Coast MPO – Transportation Safety Program

GRPC utilizes a TIP Safety Group to fund projects from planning work in the GRPC’s Safety Program. The Mississippi Gulf Coast MPO sets aside funds from its annual allocation of STBG funds for projects to enhance the safe mobility of all modes of transportation on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. GRPC works with MDOT and FHWA to develop projects that will be eligible for the Federal share payable to amount to 100 percent of the cost of construction of such projects as described in 23 U.S.C. 120 (c). Projects will be selected by GRPC for funding through this program, coordinated with the applicable local public agency, and initiated as needed without the requirement of a TIP amendment.


The local road safety planning process began in 2019 in a partnership between the Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) and the Gulf Regional Planning Commission (GRPC). Through this partnership, a consultant engineer was hired and five-years of fatal, life threatening, and moderate injury (also known as KAB) crash data was analyzed across Hancock, Harrison, and Jackson counties. This analysis led to the development of emphasis areas. The process for developing a LRSP began with data analysis to identify trends and areas of concern. The consultant analyzed a 5-year period (2014 to 2018) of data that focused on fatal, life threatening, and moderate injury crashes only. Emphasis areas were identified from the analyzed data and stakeholders were convened to gather input. Countermeasures were identified to aid community leaders in reducing and preventing future crashes.

A supplemental planning analysis has been completed to make the LRSP meet the criteria established for the SS4A Action Plan. The updated document will include the SS4A Action Plan Components.  The Mississippi Gulf Coast region has an eligible Action Plan in place to apply for Implementation Grants from USDOT’s Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant program. The complete document is divided into two sections. The first is the Local Road Safety Plan (LRSP) and second is the Supplemental Planning Analysis. Both together is the Gulf Coast Vision Zero Safety Plan.

Vision Zero Action Plan – MS Gulf Coast – Complete Document

Sidewalks Intersections Vision Zero – Projects

SS4A-FY24-Self-Certification-Worksheet GRPC