Vision Zero Action Plan – Pedestrians

Ensuring a data driven, objective, and balanced analytical approach, GRPC strives to provide information for the development of projects and programs that increase safety, improve mobility, and access to opportunity, while promoting quality of life.



Reduce pedestrian and bicycle crash fatalities and serious injuries


Installing pedestrian safety enhancements and focusing on closing network gaps with sidewalks in high demand areas for people walking, rolling, or using mobility assisted devices.

Performance Measure:

Number of non-motorized fatalities and serious injuries

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Gulf Coast residents and visitors want to walk and bike.  It allows them to be active while enjoying the Gulf Coast’s natural scenery.  Walking and biking also offer social benefits.  The informal interaction that occurs allows people to develop connections and a heightened sense of involvement in their surroundings. Walking and biking are ways for people get exercise and access daily needs if conditions are adequate. Safety is a pedestrian’s biggest concern.

As we develop the transportation system on the Gulf Coast, we must take into consideration the mobility and accessibility of pedestrians. The Gulf Coast’s Local Road Safety Plan, developed through a partnership between the Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) and Gulf Regional Planning Commission (GRPC) addresses pedestrian safety concerns and makes recommendations for projects to improve pedestrian safety including:

  • Improve roadway lighting.
  • Construct new or extend/connect existing sidewalks.
  • Refresh crosswalk pavement markings.
  • Break up continuous turn lanes with raised medians for pedestrian refuge or provide mid block crossing islands.
  • Evaluate the feasibility of a road diet.
  • Install pedestrian warning signs in high pedestrian traffic areas.
  • Reduce speeds along roadways where aggressive driving is reported.
  • Construct multi-use pathways to separate pedestrian and bicycle traffic from vehicles
Number of non-motorized fatalities and serious injuries in Gulf Coast counties: 2021 – 60, 2022 – 65

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