GRPC’s Transportation Asset and Performance Management Program
GRPC’s Transportation Asset and Performance Management Program defines a “way of doing business” and provides structure to the decision-making processes. This is a way of improving GRPC’s existing procedures for allocating resources to achieve desired outcomes. Goals, objectives, strategies, and a set of performance measures aligned with the 23 USC 134(h) MPO planning factors to guide planning and project development. The establishment of the focus areas and investment strategy for the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and other MPO decision-making is based on this program.
FY 2023 - 2026 Transportation Improvement Program - Focus Areas and Investment Strategy

- Expand roadway capacity where needed.
- Provide critical linkages enabling more direct travel.
- Reconstruct and redesign problem corridors.
- Install lighting on mobility corridors and interchanges.
- Address freight bottlenecks and other impediments.
- Provide access to developed and undeveloped land.
- Support carpooling, electric vehicle use and first responder efficiency.
- Address infrastructure that is repeatedly damaged by weather events.
- Address current and future vulnerabilities to evacuation routes.
GRPC Planning
Safety & Intelligent Transportation

- Improve conditions to prevent lane departures.
- Address aggressive driving and speeding concerns.
- Improve visibility and awareness with signage.
- Utilize Innovative technology to Improve conditions.
- Provide adequate pedestrian crossings.
- Provide safety education.
Improve safety at railroad crossings.
GRPC Planning

- Use operational strategies to improve traffic flow at intersections
Mitigate or eliminate safety concerns at intersections.
GRPC Planning
Bicycle and Pedestrians

- Provide pedestrian, bicycle and ADA access to transit stops.
- Install suitable pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure on mobility corridors.
- Install sidewalks and multiuse pathways.
- Add or widen shoulders on rural roads.
- Use protected bicycle lanes were needed.
Use pavement markings to indicate bicycle use.
GRPC Planning
Performance Management
GRPC uses in-house performance measures in addition to federal performance measures. Programmed projects are linked directly to the performance measures. Completed projects from the STIP and TIP will be assessed, and reports generated to show how we have provided progress toward our goals.