Get To B

Get-to-B_ Logo Main HNSGet To B launched in October 2014 as the MS Gulf Coast Region’s transportation safety program.

Our region encompasses Hancock, Harrison and Jackson Counties and the 12 cities contained therein. The program is coordinated by the MS Gulf Coast MPO staff at the Gulf Regional Planning Commission with active support from FHWA and MDOT. Get To B is primarily funded through a 10% annual set-aside of Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds.

The program has two intentions:

  1. Reduce crash occurrence on our roadways, and
  2. Reduce the severity of injury when a crash occurs



GetToB Road Image

Get-to-B_ Logo Main HNSGet To B launched in October 2014 as the MS Gulf Coast Region’s transportation safety program.

Our region encompasses Hancock, Harrison and Jackson Counties and the 12 cities contained therein. The program is coordinated by the MS Gulf Coast MPO staff at the Gulf Regional Planning Commission with active support from FHWA and MDOT. Get To B is primarily funded through a 10% annual set-aside of Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds.

The program has two intentions:

  1. Reduce crash occurrence on our roadways, and
  2. Reduce the severity of injury when a crash occurs



GetToB Road Image